Now Available: A Valentines Day Postcard Pack!

Blissful Paper has released a very limited number of pre-stamped Valentines Day postcard pack! What better way to send a quick love note to all the special people in your life than on Valentines Day!

Each pack comes in a set of 8 postcards with 4 of each design included. Each Valentines Day Postcard Pack are pre-stamped and hand drawn. This pack of 8 postcards runs $15.95. Buy them here!

Send a postcard to your best friends, your mom, aunt, cousins, grandma.. The possibilities are endless with this pack of 8 postcards.

Here are some saying you can include::

  • Valentine’s Day and every day, I’m grateful for you.
  • Happy Valentine’s Day to a friend who’s sweeter than any heart-shaped box of chocolates.
  • Cheers to a Valentine’s Day filled with good wine, good food and especially good friends like you.
  • Happy Valentine’s to one of my favorite people. Like Ever.
  • Happy Valentine’s Day to the person who knows me best and somehow still wants to hang out. What would I do without you?!
  • Hope your day is filled with reminders of how much you’re loved.
  • You know my code: hoes before bros. Uteruses before duderuses…Ovaries before brovaries. – Leslie Knope

Sending mail to a friend is a super great way to show them how much you love them. These friendship postcards are easy, convenient (and there isn’t much room on the back so you don’t have to go on and on and on and on with your affections).

Shop the Valentines Day Postcard Pack here! A limited amount were ordered so buy them before they run out!

Author: Molly Carlson

Hi, I'm Molly! I was born and raised in Orange County, CA but after a cross country move, Savannah, GA is my home. I have an amazing group of people that I call friends spanning coast to coast. I am blessed that I work from home with my husband, I can spend all day loving on my crazy dog and always make time for happy hour!