Friendship Resolutions for 2020!

While you’re busy setting goals for yourself, don’t forget to set some Friendship Resolutions in 2020.

My wish is that we all feel more connected, fulfilled and supported by each other going into this new year. A great easy way to make sure Friendships don’t get lost in the shuffle are to set some specific friendship resolutions and goals. Below are a few suggestions that are on my list!

friendship resolutions for 2020 quarterly coffee dates

Put Dates In The Calendar To Do Your “Thing”

This is a *friendly* reminder that you don’t need to treat all 10 of your closest friends the same. You may have a “thing” with one person rather than another. Find your “thing” and put 2 dates this year on the calendar (try putting 4 dates in the calendar if you’re feeling ambitious).

I have coffee dates with my friend Katie once a quarter and we talk about goals, where we’re at and bounce ideas off each other – a great check in. Kathryn and I have facetime dates and it’s SO refreshing that we spend hours catching up – it usually involves wine and a lot of laughter. Liz and I usually take the 2 hour drive to Trader Joes once a quarter and have the best time uninterrupted by our dogs or husbands. Pamela and I usually meet for lunch about once a quarter on days she works downtown and it’s easy for me to meet up with her.

Find your friend who loves to take hikes, maybe it’s even a dinner double date night with your close couple friend. Solidify your “thing” and put some dates in the calendar. You will be less likely to reschedule the date than trying to find time a week in advance.

Reserve One Weekend For A Girls Trip

ONE WEEKEND in 2020. Find a friend or friends that you’d love to spend time exploring with and book one weekend for a trip. You don’t have to fly anywhere if that isn’t feasible, but get out of town! Take a drive, find a cute AirBnB and have a girls weekend. You’ll feel so great and refreshed afterwards. Probably one of the most fun friendship resolutions to keep for yourself!

Celebrate Birthdays – Send A Card!

Make it a goal to send a card to EACH close friend for their birthday. I keep the birthdays in their contact info so it shows on my mobile phone calendar. When I transfer each week to my paper planner I mark the date to send out a card or postcard (a few days before their birthday). I’ve also used my Reminders app to set dates to remind me each year when to send birthday cards and set them on annual repeat! Folks, sending a card is SO EASY. You do not need to send birthday gifts to every single friend, we probably have too much stuff anyway. Write a nice note and stick it in the mail, don’t overthink things! Trader Joes and Aldi both have 99 cent cards. You can also grab a birthday postcard pack that is pre-stamped to make your life easy peasy. Shop Friendship Postcard Birthday Packs Here!

friendship postcards prestamped

Send Friendship Postcards Often

I love having these pre-stamped friendship postcards on hand because they’re fitting for all occasions. Birthdays, thank yous, encouragement, etc. I sadly just sent out a sympathy postcard to a friend whose beloved pup passed away. Make your resolutions easy by having postcards on hand so you can always write a quick note when needed. Your thoughtfulness goes very far and it’s not always feasible to run to the store.

Find our entire stock of Pre-Stamped Friendship Postcards here.

friendship resolutions for 2020

Author: Molly Carlson

Hi, I'm Molly! I was born and raised in Orange County, CA but after a cross country move, Savannah, GA is my home. I have an amazing group of people that I call friends spanning coast to coast. I am blessed that I work from home with my husband, I can spend all day loving on my crazy dog and always make time for happy hour!