Podcast You Need To Hear – 10 Things To Tell You with Office Ladies

I haven’t missed an episode of 10 Things To Tell You by Laura Tremaine.

10 Things to Tell You is a podcast about connection and sharing you stuff. Every week is a prompt that you can talk about with a friend, take to social media or write about in your journal. I love Laura Tremaine’s point of view and topics she talks about. Episode 36 of the podcast is the one I want to highlight. She brings on her friend Jenna Fischer (Pam Beasley) and Jenna’s best friend Angela Kinsey (Angela Martin) for a discussion on friendship. They talk ALL about how their friendship has changed and how they’ve had to be super intentional through different phases of life. The years when things didn’t match as easily, Jenna’s “sexy years” when she was falling in love with her husband and Angela was a new mom. How they’ve had to adjust and what life looked like once they weren’t filming The Office anymore.

They discuss past friendships and loss of friends.

Chapters of your life come and go, some friends weather the storm and others do not. That’s TOTALLY fine! There is so much to learn about friendship and grow within it. Another poignant point is that childhood friends move away and when we were all growing up we’d write letters to stay in touch. People move, lose touch and it’s a natural process in life. I wrote about my cycle of friends and friendships this in blog post titled “Who Are My Friends?”

True friends will stick around through unavailability.

When Angela was a new mom she wasn’t as available as she used to be. Angela talked about struggling when her friends stopped inviting her places. It was such a hard phase to go through and the true friends that matter stuck with her through that. She recommended to continue to invite those friends EVEN THOUGH they may not be able to come.

Keep communication frequent without expecting response.

Jenna and Angela leave each other voice memos and ramble on just going through their train of thought in that moment every single day. No matter where they are in the world. Now that they both have kids they sometimes record messages to each other on the toilet because it’s the only alone time they have. I use the Marco Polo app with my best friend Kathryn which is great to see her face as well! We don’t often talk about anything in particular, just following up with the person on what’s going on. It’s a great touch point and it’s our own version of keeping the other up to date.

Be PROUD to keep your friendship current.

Please don’t do this with ALL of your friends, because that would be incredibly draining. But put the work in and be proud of your friendships. Send love notes to them, ask how their day is going (like almost everyday), follow up with them on their dreams and larger goals. They’re so proud to know everything about their current lives, whether they’re shooting movies in London or a vacation, they know what’s going on always.

Shoutout to Office Ladies Podcast

I’m a huge huge Office fan, so I’m very very excited that Jenna and Angela have launched their own watch along podcast going behind the scenes and re watching every episode of The Office. The friendship shines through and other than all The Office trivia I’ll be learning it’s so special that they get to work together as best friends! They started a business together, even though their husbands were nervous about it. Their point is they know EVERYTHING about the other person and they balance each other out amazingly. I’m so looking forward to following along each week and learn more about Jenna and Angela, picking up friendship tips along the way.

Listen to Episode 36 of the 10 Things To Tell You Podcast HERE

Listen to Office Ladies Podcast HERE

Read about some of my other FAVORITE podcasts HERE

Author: Molly Carlson

Hi, I'm Molly! I was born and raised in Orange County, CA but after a cross country move, Savannah, GA is my home. I have an amazing group of people that I call friends spanning coast to coast. I am blessed that I work from home with my husband, I can spend all day loving on my crazy dog and always make time for happy hour!