5 Podcasts I’m Loving!

Podcasts and Episodes I Listen to Over and Over Again

There are so many podcasts out there right now, I love sending podcast episodes to friends and giving them recommendations. What’s also cool is that if you have an idea, literally anyone can start one! I myself have a podcast with my friend Ben called Faith Revisited and I completely self taught recording/editing/publishing all through youtube videos. Literally anyone can do it and I love listening to many different kinds of podcasts, business, self improvement, human interest and interviews. I listen doing grocery trips, car rides, walks and if I’m doing some mindless work that I don’t particularly need to focus on. I love podcasts and finding new ones! Here are some podcasts I’ve been loving lately and specific episodes you should go listen to now!

10 Things to Tell You

By Laura Tremaine. Laura has been blogging and podcasting for many years, she’s a huge reader and hollywood housewife. I have loved her weekly release of 10 Things To Tell You Podcast. Each episode is a question or prompt, something to get you sharing with a friend, on social media OR in your journal and Laura shares first. Topics include, Family Rules, Mantra and Trips. My suggestion is to start with Episode One about Reading! My other favorite is Episode Nine on different ways to Journal!

How I Built This with Guy Raz

NPR produced podcast interviewing entrepreneurs, innovators and inventors. I absolutely love the Sara Blakely episode, she is the inventor of Spanx and a self made billionaire. The stories she told and the lengths she went to to get her product in stores and then to sell is incredibly inspiring. She also kept her full time job as a fax machine salesman for a long time, which is comforting for those who are trying to get their “side hustle” to support them. I also loved the recent episode from the Away luggage co-founder Jen Rubio. The Peloton episode is also FASCINATING in regards to investors and the lengths that companies need to go to for success. What I see in common with almost ALL of these stories is that the person who built a company or an empire doesn’t know what they’re doing, they just figure it out as they go.

Oprah’s Super Soul Conversations

Yes, yes, Oprah has a million amazing speakers and interviews under her belt, this podcast is no different. You MUST listen to the Larry Dossey episode. He is a physician and author and talks about how scientific studies have proven the power of prayer. He also goes into what to pray for and how to pray to get the best results. My mind was blown and I have since listened to this podcast at least 8 times.

Armchair Expert With Dax Shepard

Completely switching gears here but I love Dax’s podcast and I especially love his fact checking sidekick Monica Padman. I have too many favorite episodes to suggest but Will Ferrell is an amazing and humble and hilarious person. I learned so much about him and I really took a lot out of it. One of my favorite because it is super real life was the very first episode with Kristen Bell. Wow, as I was scrolling through to find links I remembered some great episodes with Justin Long, Norah Jones, Hasan Minhaj. Episodes I haven’t listed to yet either but are now being added to my list are Anna Faris and Katie Couric. Gwyneth Paltrow‘s episode was recommend to be very good as well. These are longform podcasts, but great for car rides or going for a long walk and turning off your brain.

Strategy Hour

With a business focus, I learned a TON from Strategy Hour by Abagail and Emylee of Boss Project (formerly Think Creative Collective). A certain episode that just fired me up and gave me whole new ideas was Number 246 Using Redbubble for Your Product Based Business with Kit Cronk. She talks about dropshipping and literally one of the easiest ways you can start a business. It had my brain going 100 miles a minute, when using print on demand resources you just need an idea and some type of design/photoshop skills and to market it! It’s starting a business with no inventory or obligation. There are so many great podcasts, I’ve learned almost everything about social media and how to be a successful business owner from this podcast.

Faith Revisited

Obviously I need to shameless plug my own podcast with my friend Ben! We are two millennial church leaders and discuss topics including God, Faith, the Church, what it means to be authentic and welcome ALL people. We release a podcast every other Wednesday and topics range from gratitude, challenges of reaching new people and the history of our historic church and how we got to where we stand today. Check out our website or find us on Apple and the Google Play Music Store! It has been SO fun and I loved learning all about how to do a podcast and the sense of accomplishment of me figuring it all out on my own!

What are your favorite podcasts and episodes that you listen to over and over again??

Author: Molly Carlson

Hi, I'm Molly! I was born and raised in Orange County, CA but after a cross country move, Savannah, GA is my home. I have an amazing group of people that I call friends spanning coast to coast. I am blessed that I work from home with my husband, I can spend all day loving on my crazy dog and always make time for happy hour!