How To Host A Chili Cookoff For Friends!

A Chili Cookoff is a great winter (or fall) activity for friends!

chili cookoff for friends

Everyone is in charge of bringing the food, it’s different than just any other dinner, and an element of competition is always fun! I love Chili Cookoffs, not JUST because I have the best chili recipe, but it’s a great activity and hang out opportunity for groups of friends. In January I planned a chili cookoff for a small group at my church and here is everything you need to know to plan your own!

A chili champion was crowned at the end of the evening. Another prize went to the “Most Creative” chili. Everyone left full and happy at the end of the evening.

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I ended up having 8 different chilis and 16 people. That was a LOT of chili.

I’d recommend having someone bring a salad or someone else be in charge of corn bread to spread the love. You don’t need EVERYONE to bring chili, but it was super fun and a ton of variety. I bought some tupperware containers so friends could bring home other people’s chilis to have the next day. You can get awesome soup containers on amazon here.

What I Was In Charge Of:

I hosted, I brought in a folding table and chairs to make more places to sit. I highly recommend using throw away dishes and silverware – I went biodegradable so I didn’t feel as guilty. Links to the tasting cups here, plates (for salad and cornbread) here, silverware here and bowl (if they wanted a full bowl of chili) here. The tasting cups were SUPER fun because everyone labeled the cups with which chili was what and ate 4 at a time. Plus, how often do you get to eat out of little cups?!

I also did Caesar salad, bought pre-made cornbread from Sams Club. Easy easy peasy. I had some placecards in my craft box and had everyone name their chili and I numbered them all to make voting easier.

I also made awards for the chili cookoff that everyone voted on! I got 2 ladles at Walmart, you can also go CUTE and get the loch ness monster ladles here. Wrap them in ribbon and had a tag that said “Chili Champion” and “Most Creative” that I tied on. Both ladles were stuck in a vase and that was that! I had an idea to spray paint a wooden spoon gold, but then they can’t use it! I’m all for no junk, and the Pioneer Woman ladles at Walmart are cute and sturdy.

What Guests Brought:

I had guests bring a chili in a crock pot OR dessert. Some brought both. They also brought wine, a good way to stock your bar is to invite people over! Everyone had a great attitude and the element of competition kept it fun. No one would tell others which chili they brought to keep it unbiased until voting was over.

A Simple Chili Cookoff Was The Perfect Gathering!

We had such a fun time chatting and catching up after the holiday craziness. An element of competition is always fun and the group had a great time.

Of course I didn’t get ANY photos or footage of the event all set up. I was too into hosting and having fun. *shrug*

If you’re a guest attending a chili cookoff, don’t forget to bring a hostess gift! Or bottle of wine to leave 😉 See all about hostess gifts here.

Author: Molly Carlson

Hi, I'm Molly! I was born and raised in Orange County, CA but after a cross country move, Savannah, GA is my home. I have an amazing group of people that I call friends spanning coast to coast. I am blessed that I work from home with my husband, I can spend all day loving on my crazy dog and always make time for happy hour!