Tools I Use For Motivation & Goal Setting : Part 1

goal setting powersheets start today and simplified planner

I love goal setting, it’s my love language. I have a lot of tools I use, Powersheets, Start Today Journal and a Simplified Planner. To be completely transparent, I can be inconsistent in using what I have. As I’m typing this I’m trying a new routine and getting more in the habit of using these tools for my own mindfulness and goal setting. I’m going to talk through the tools I use in this series and what works best for me in this phase of life.

Having an accountability partner is highly encouraged and I have many depending on interest! Katie with my Powersheets, Pam with my Start Today goals, Kathryn is my overall cheerleader. I also have mentors and business advice friends, nothing says you can’t have a team of people who support you in different ways! In the end, you’re supporting them as well. It’s the best having someone to genuinely talk through goals and ideas with. They can cheer you on and make sure you’re following through and celebrating when you hit accomplishments. The greatest lesson is that you can buy all of the journals and planners and goal getting guides but you have to USE them to be effective.

Powersheets by Cultivate What Matters

powersheets by cultivate what matters

Powersheets is an intentional goal setting guide created by Lara Casey. It’s not a planner and it’s not a to do list. Powersheets has 3 sections, the prep work which really uncovers goals and what matters to YOU, action plans where you create your SMART goals and break them down into tiny steps. Lastly is the monthly tending lists that help you move forward with those goals.

This is my second full year using powersheets, I found out about the company Cultivate What Matters in late 2017 and bought a 6 month pack and didn’t touch them. We’re all friends here, right?! No judgements because it takes a lot of effort and failing before anyone can succeed. I bought the 2018 Powersheets and then the 2019 Powersheets with an accountability partner targeted. Summer of 2019 is the first time I feel good about the progress being made.

What’s Inside Powersheets?

The prep work in the beginning is very thorough and takes some time to get through but it uncovers exciting possibilities. My personal favorite section is called “Cultivated Life Evaluation” and it’s 8 areas in your life that you rate from 1 to 10. A satisfaction scale that you refresh each season. Looking back what I wrote in December 2018 and now at the summer goal refresh is fascinating. Personally all areas went up in satisfaction or stayed the same. I predicted in December under the “work” goal that I want to grow my own side passion project. I now have two and in December neither were on my radar!

Prep work uncovers your goals, you then write action steps and smaller ways to get to your goal. Lastly you fill out your tending list which is a tracker on your goals for the month broken up into monthly, weekly and daily items. Tending Lists have a perforated edge so you can take it out of the powersheets guide. I like hanging my tending list on my fridge or a clipboard next to my desk.

Choose Your Word.

My word at the beginning of the year was Intentional. I strive for being intentional with my time, actions, etc. It’s 1000% up to you if you want your word to change by season or keep it the same for the whole year. Only at this summer refresh did I change my word to Action because that is really what needs to happen.

What Are My Powersheets Goals?

cultivate what matter goals and powersheets

I set 6 goals earlier in the year. They’re now down to 5 as follows:

  1. Launch Blissful Paper and stretch into new content creation avenues.
  2. Work everyday towards an exceptional marriage.
  3. Make a finance plan and follow it.
  4. Become a healthier version of you every day.
  5. Balance calendar and prioritize responsibilities.

I think the 6th was something about self care, but I do a pretty good job at maintaining space for myself through reading, spending time with friends and now writing for Blissful.

I’ll be following up with a June goals recap and a July goals blog post which will be fun thing to do going forward so we can all cheer each other on! I’ll also be more intentional about writing measurable goals so it’s not so vague!

Author: Molly Carlson

Hi, I'm Molly! I was born and raised in Orange County, CA but after a cross country move, Savannah, GA is my home. I have an amazing group of people that I call friends spanning coast to coast. I am blessed that I work from home with my husband, I can spend all day loving on my crazy dog and always make time for happy hour!