A Simple Phrase That Sparks a Conversation

“Tell Me Something Good About Your Day”

girl texting, blissful paper co, tell me something good

A simple phrase. A friend sent me this text message out of the blue at the start of a conversation, she had no way of knowing what type of day I’d had or the stress and anxiety I was currently feeling.

“Tell me something good about your day.” She has been struck with roadblocks in her path lately. Specifically a sick parent, that had her reach out to our group of friends for help just days earlier. A simple phrase completely changes the dialogue.

I responded with:
I got resolve from a sh*tty situation that happened last week.
Did a hard workout and survived.
Crossed important things off of my to do list.

It all of a sudden seemed easy to come up with 3 good things when my gut reaction was to complain and feel sorry for myself. I understand the purpose of gratitude journals as a daily practice, but honestly I’ve never been good at the follow through! The simple acts of writing down what was good that day are so impactful, especially when you just want to sink into the mud. Even more meaningful? It came from a friend who is going through her own trials and tribulations and finding it impossibly hard to get through her own day.

I challenge you! Make an effort to be that friend, send someone a text. NOW.

“Tell me something good about your day.”

You have no way to know what’s going on at the other end and they might just need that encouragement to turn their day around as well.

girls talking, blissful paper co, tell me something good

Author: Molly Carlson

Hi, I'm Molly! I was born and raised in Orange County, CA but after a cross country move, Savannah, GA is my home. I have an amazing group of people that I call friends spanning coast to coast. I am blessed that I work from home with my husband, I can spend all day loving on my crazy dog and always make time for happy hour!