Etiquette Lesson: When and How To Say Thanks!

Text or Email

When a person’s thoughtful act doesn’t require going out of her way. For example, a colleague shares a note from a meeting that you couldn’t attend or a friend refers you to her doctor and it turns out great.

Call or Say it in Person

When a small effort was extended. For example, a neighbor collects your mail while you’re out of town. A fellow parent drives your child home from one day.

Send a Handwritten Note

When time, energy, expertise or effort was given. For example, when someone gives you a gift for an occasion, an acquaintance lets you pick her brain over coffee or a colleague covers for you at work.

From Good Housekeeping March 2019 Print Issue.

Author: Molly Carlson

Hi, I'm Molly! I was born and raised in Orange County, CA but after a cross country move, Savannah, GA is my home. I have an amazing group of people that I call friends spanning coast to coast. I am blessed that I work from home with my husband, I can spend all day loving on my crazy dog and always make time for happy hour!