I’m In The 2019 Rising Tide Gift Guide Ya’ll!

The whozit whatzit guide?

First of all, the Rising Tide Society is an organization dedicated to empowering and educating creative entrepreneurs in the spirit of community over competition both internationally and locally. They partner with Honeybook to create an online community. Tuesdays Together is the local meetups full of creative entreprenuers and I love attending my local meetings in Savannah.

What now about a gift guide?

Every year I look forward to the Rising Tide Gift Guide, I love seeing the creativity and different shops all in one place. This year I submitted and was selected as a featured shop for the 2019 Annual Gift Guide organized by Rising Tide & HoneyBook! This gift guide supports creative entrepreneurs, making it possible for makers, artists, and creatives in our community to continue building businesses that they love! Check out the guide here!

Check out my listing in the Paper and Cards section!

I’m so honored to be featured in the Rising Tide Gift Guide.

When I submitted I thought it was a long shot, all of the featured artists always seemed so idyllic and put together. Can you believe I almost let my fear get in the way?! I kept wanting to take new pictures to submit but ended up settling on one I had taken a month before out of necessity so the deadline wouldn’t pass! Overall, I was proud of myself that I submitted, even prouder when I found out I was accepted. Today I am beaming just knowing the this opportunity is out there, not even just for me, but for all of these amazing artisans and creatives.

The gift guide is separated into 9 categories. I’m going to take some time looking through it today and I hope you save the link to do the same! I love supporting these folks because at the end of the day, they’re just like me.

Check out my friendship postcards here!

Learn more about the new designs from a recent blog post!

Author: Molly Carlson

Hi, I'm Molly! I was born and raised in Orange County, CA but after a cross country move, Savannah, GA is my home. I have an amazing group of people that I call friends spanning coast to coast. I am blessed that I work from home with my husband, I can spend all day loving on my crazy dog and always make time for happy hour!