5 Simple Gestures For A Kind World

“Be Kind Whenever Possible. It Is Always Possible.” – Dalai Lama

I was reading a good housekeeping article on unspoken social etiquette rules that everyone should follow. Most people know to sneeze into their elbow or say please and thank you – hopefully. I wanted to share few gestures that I am planning to focus on moving forward. We all need to do our effort to make the world more kind. Right? Below are 5 simple ways that you can make the world a better place, starting with what’s directly in your reach.

1. When You Enter A Room Greet Everyone

It goes beyond not being rude, but many times when you enter a room chances are there is someone you don’t know. Wouldn’t it be easier if you just introduced yourself first? The host pay not be near, or others may not know you don’t know everyone. Take a deep breath (I do, because I’m extremely shy around new people) and go up to them and say “Hello! I’m Molly.” Everything is less awkward and enjoyable after that. Do it in the middle of your greetings so you don’t have to have a long conversation in that moment.

2. Give People A Pass

We often encounter someone who’s pushy at the grocery store or a rude person trying to edge their way around traffic. Give them a pass! In all honesty, we have no idea what they’re going through. Could be a recent diagnosis, maybe their kids won’t sleep and keep them awake, or another tough situation going on in their life. Don’t get worked up about it and move along with your day, offering up a spot in front of you in line or a simple smile as you get our of their way. You feeding into the negativity just spreads more negativity.

3. Write A Thank You Note!

For everything! A friend bought you coffee, let you borrow a DVD you’ve been eyeing (not sure if people do that anymore), or invited you over for dinner. Hellloooo Friendship Postcards are an easy way to say “thanks.” It’s the act of appreciating the effort a friend put in, looking out for you and the joy they will have when they receive a note in the mail! Write a thank you note for everything. The Target dollar spot has cute notecard sets that you can stick in the mail, grab a pack for a dollar next time you stop in and always have them on hand.

4. Bring Food

Yes you should always bring something when a friend invites you over, even if only a bottle of wine! Or heck, I’d appreciate a box of La Croix. Make it a practice in your life to bring soup or casserole or muffins when the opportunity arises. A new neighbor, someone is diagnosed with an illness, or a friend who recently lost someone. Have a few recipes that can be your “go-to” dishes.

Mine are a healthier version of Chicken Tetrazzini, I never use condensed soup anymore and usually don’t add mushrooms with not knowing allergies. A go-to for meals to give to parents of new babies is Pioneer Woman’s Baked Ziti, it makes enough for two 9″ square dishes and is easy and delicious. I always use ground turkey to lighten dishes up a bit. Items for a make your own tacos or taco salad are also a good to take over when a friend need an easy healthy meal.

5. Help Someone Who Is Struggling

Lastly, if someone is struggling don’t turn away, just offer to help. If a lady can’t grab something off the top shelf, or someone’s bagging produce and the apples fall everywhere. Don’t keep walking! A mama in the grocery store parking lot trying to unload all her groceries and her kids, take her cart back to the stall. Look for ways to assist whenever you can – it is sure to spread the kindness around. “May I help” is probably the nicest thing someone who is visibly struggling would like to hear.

I may be preaching to the choir

but we can all do little things to make the world an ounce of a better place for us all. What are other ways that you can offer up kind gestures, or social etiquette rules that we should be aware of!

Author: Molly Carlson

Hi, I'm Molly! I was born and raised in Orange County, CA but after a cross country move, Savannah, GA is my home. I have an amazing group of people that I call friends spanning coast to coast. I am blessed that I work from home with my husband, I can spend all day loving on my crazy dog and always make time for happy hour!